Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oh Wow, a New Post!!!

Hey my prehistoric blog followers! It's been Ages (and Seasons :D) since I last posted here, but I'm going to be starting a newish project, which is actually a huge ZOLE feature that made me want to blog. ZOLE 4's birthday is also coming up (May 4th), and I thought: "What a better idea than to bring back the blog!"

So what can the new feature be? Seasons support? Naw, already added that in like 1.18 or something. 100% Visual features and no more numbers? Nope! Custom cutscenes, sprites, and cookies?! Wrong again! Well, cookies would be nice, I do agree with those. But nope! I'm adding a feature called "Team Mode", with the new project titled "ZOLE Live".

"What is ZOLE Live," you might be asking? Well, it's a version of ZOLE that will allow the editing of the same ROM by two or more people, to speed up development and make team editing easy. Like Google Docs, it will show live updates with things like map and interaction editing, and for everything else, just showing "Editing blah". There will also be chatting.

So this project is obviously going to take a while - I have to write a server, add networking to ZOLE, and add packets and updating for every single feature in ZOLE. The first release will only support the Ages tools, but will work with Seasons for things like map editing, since they're the same (Actually, in theory, everything should work in Seasons).

I'm not sure how long it will take, but I'm sure I can't post more than a few sentences without starting a non-indented paragraph. I know how most of the stuff will work, but I'm not sure about things like scripts added in by ZOSE and text editing. I think I'll add features to "upload" data to specific spot, which will change bytes in bulk for each user editing.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this pretty short comeback post. Be expecting more, as I will be posting progress updates. Oh, and join us in the IRC here: #ZOLE

Visit the forums:

Until next time, see you later!

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