Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Bunch of Things

Well, I've finished up pretty much everything on interactions, and now it's time to finish warps. For a full list, you can add new interactions, delete existing ones, or delete the whole map's interactions altogether.

But now some bad news. Jigglysaint, the pioneer of these games, has informed me interactions have different events based on the maps you're on, which is not good for hacking. However, it's not really time to worry. I haven't debugged anything passed basic loading in the overworld, so hopefully I'll figure it out soon.

I spent a bit of time trying to find chest data today, but it was worthless as I couldn't even find it in the memory (This is how I discover the majority of things I find). I also found out even if maps had walkable tiles connecting to the right and bottom edge of the map, you couldn't access them, as the game doesn't even let you exit the other map.

One last thing I want to cover is with this editor, I want to include a graphics and tileset editor. I'm going to most-likely have to once again add an ASM hack, but this is to allow bank indexes to be used, since the uncompressed graphics would be going in the new ROM space. I'm sorry if the fact that there are going to be several ASM hacks in the end, but this just makes the editor more powerful and editing much easier.

So that's all I wanted to cover. School is finally dieing down as I'm taking my finals soon, so once I'm on break there will likely be heavy updates daily. See you tomorrow!

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